Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Manager
Mariusz, Poland

Mariusz joined Hamelin more than fourteen years ago, just after he graduated. He tells us about his daily work as Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Manager at Hamelin Poland.
Improve, prevent & preserve

QHSE manager, what does that mean?
QHSE… the name of my position may seem a little over the top at first. As Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Manager my main task is to supervise the quality control of the raw materials and the products we manufacture. Together with my teams, I make sure that our products are flawless and that they meet our quality requirements. At Hamelin we implement methods and tools to ensure the continuous improvement of our products and processes while ensuring the safety of our teams, preventing risks and preserving the environment.

Every problem has a solution!
My role entails controlling our manufacturing processes, anticipating potential risks and exploring opportunities for improvement. When we observe a malfunction in the organisation of the production or our facilities, our duty is to put corrective actions in place to shake us out of our old habits. Change isn’t always easy to accept. I am sometimes seen as the guy who comes to “obstruct” the teams’ work by adding more inspections and constraints. But, ultimately, my job is to help the teams to work in the best possible conditions and I always make sure that we find solutions together.

Responsibility & Encourage our teams

My greatest success? The triple ISO certification
One project I’m particularly proud of is achieving the triple ISO certification for our Polish factory in 2015. We received the ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety) certificates. This was the outcome of a long-term project launched in 2011 in partnership with the whole Hamelin group. Another important initiative for me is “Project Zero”. Last year, in 2018, we launched this project to improve the health and safety of our employees and the visitors to our site. The goal? Zero labour-related accidents! My work involves making every effort to ensure the safety of our teams on a daily basis.

A question of responsibility
The essential quality for my profession? To have a sense of responsibility. When all’s going well, it’s easy to be responsible. Conversely, the real challenges begin when you come up against obstacles. Whether they are good or bad times, I always take responsibility for the actions that are taken. I’m also responsible for the work done by my teams and I always try to encourage them to find solutions. I never get bored. Every day brings something new, triumphs and challenges. After fourteen years at Hamelin I still learn something new everyday.
Mariusz’s advice
Be patient and never lose sight of your goal. Sometimes the road can be long and changes aren’t achieved in a day, but always bear your objective in mind. Persevere and never give up!